It's already December! When did this happen!? It seems like yesterday that I was in shorts landing in Rome..
Soo what happened this week.. Monday as you remember I didn't have school, Tuesday Italian lesson, Wednesday I started some Christmas decorating and Thursday another Italian lesson. One day this week at school this week, one of my friends told me that it feels strange for her to speak in English with me now because I can speak Italian! It was one of the nicest things ever, I was so happy! haha On Friday I had an Italian lesson then went shopping with Kaylin afterwards and I bought a new winter jacket. But then on Friday night it was really sad because it was the last day that my friend Olivia from Denmark is here. She left on Saturday morning because she's only staying for 3 months. I can't even believe how fast time is flying, it's already been 3 months! I can't imagine going home already. I felt so bad for Olivia. It was so sad, we watched a bunch of videos and looked at pictures from the past 3 months. It's so weird to imagine going back to my normal life in Ohio, it doesn't seem real anymore. I don't know how to describe it. Anyway all of the exchange students in my area stayed at Olivia's house for dinner and then she made a Danish dessert for us of rice and sugar. It was a fun night, I got home pretty late and school on Saturday was pretty horrible.. haha then on Saturday night I went to a fashion show in
Bardonecchia with my host family. They're friends with the designer, it was really cool! The first fashion show I've ever been too. The clothes were really nice and afterwards we went to a different room and there was some really good food and champagne. I tried the Italian version of sushi with pesto, raw red meat, rice, peppers and anchioves in the center. It was delicious! I want to make it when I come back to the U.S for my family. We also walked around Bardonecchia for a while before the fashion show and there was a bunch of snow and Christmas lights, it's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas and I love it! After the fashion show we were still a bit hungry so we went out for pizza. On Sunday I didn't do much, just slept in, went running and relaxed!
Sushi the Italian style (: |
New Christmas tree in Porta Nuova |
After the fashion show |
La mia mamma italiana (: |
Bardonecchia |
I'm such a midget compared to the models.. |
Fashion show! |
Twinning! |
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas <3 |
Torino! |
Alright so I know I've been meaning to do this FOREVER but I've finally gotten around to it, I'm gonna write all about Italian schools (:
So in Italy there's lots of different types of high schools, Classical, Scientifico, Linguistico, Artistico and so on. I attend a Scientifico school where the focus is on Science and Math. My school's first class starts at 8:15 am. There's 5 years of high school in Italy, I'm in the 3rd year, my class is 3F. In Italy you don't change classrooms for different subjects. You stay with one class all day and the teachers change rooms instead. Then that one class that you stay with all the time, you stay with them for all 5 years of high school. You don't even change classes every year so your class is basically like your family. It's nice because everyone is so close with each other but I don't like it so much because it's harder to meet new people and people from other classes. Okay anyway, so to me school feels more like college. Every class has a different schedule and it's completely different, the first and second year doesn't have school on Saturday and everyone else does. It's also different because some classes finish school at 1 pm some days some finish at 2. School never ends at the same time for everyone. You don't have the same classes everyday either like in the U.S. My class takes 10 classes and it differs on how many hours of each class we have every week. On average you have maybe about 3 hours of each class each week. My class normally has 5 classes everyday and we almost always finish at 1 pm except on Friday's we finish at 2 and on Saturday's we finish at 12. I did the math and I actually go to school less hours here in Italy each week than I do in the U.S! I go to school 7 hours everyday in the U.S, 5 times a week = 35 hours and here I go 5 hours everyday, 6 times a week = 30 hours. It really doesn't feel that way though because of the school on Saturday.. Anyway we have 5 classes (5 hours) of school everyday. Sometimes though we have 2 hours of a certain class, for example today we had 2 hours of math. It's different everyday! We do 2 hours of classes then have a 15 minute break, 2 more hours of class, another 15 minute break and then 1 more hour and then it's over. Oh and the grading system is completely different, they use a scale from 1 to 10. 1 is the worst, 10 the best. Except unlike the U.S, it's pretty much impossible to get a 10, like literally no one ever gets 10's. An 8 or 9 is considered the best and anything above a 5 is considered passing. Okay so, this year I'm trying to get credits for my Math, Chemistry and English classes, so I have to change classes for those subjects. My class does Biology not Chemistry so I switch into a 4th year class for Chemistry 3 times a week. And for English I go to a 5th year class since I'm fluent.. haha (; Okay so I'm gonna run through everything that happens in each class:
- Matematica: I actually like math year, most of the time during class when the teachers explaining I don't really understand everything she's saying but when I look at the examples and try it myself I can usually understand. Plus the teacher's really nice so sometimes during her free hours at school we meet up and she explains everything and helps me! I've taken 3 tests in this class so far, and I'm so proud on my last test I got an 8 and a half which is actually pretty good! (:
- Filosofia/Storia: We do both Philosophy and History with the same teacher. Pretty much the teacher walks in, talks for the entire time, everyone frantically writes down notes and then she leaves. I don't really participate very much in the class yet because it's just so difficult with the language barrier but the teacher gave me a different History book to the class with questions at the end of each chapter and I try to work on that! I don't think this teacher likes me very much because my phone went off a few times during class.. hahhaa
- Scienze: In Science my class is doing Biology this year and I did Biology last year so I kind of understand what's going on it's just hard with the language barrier right now! I took one test and I don't think it went too awful but since I don't need to do this class this year I normally leave during the class and go to Chemistry or English or another class that I have to do.
- Inglese: I do 2 English classes here, one with my class 3F which is obviously easy for me but I like helping everyone with their homework and everything. Then I switch into 5B, 3 times a week for English with them. I thought it'd be easy but it's actually kind of difficult what we're learning! We're doing romantic poetry and Jane Austen right now, I have an interrogazione in a few days!
- Storia dell'Arte: My class only has Art History 2 hours a week and for one of those hours I leave to go to English with 5B so I only have 1 hour of this class each week. Normally I just work on my Italian workbook and study Italian. This class seems so difficult, it's not like Art in the U.S where we do fun drawings and stuff, they have to draw 3D shaped buildings and it looks so hard.
- Italiano: It's so strange, during "Italian class" we actually do Latin. Then in Latin class we do Italian, I asked my classmates why it's opposite and they said it's because the Italian teacher is better at teaching Latin. So yeah it's opposite! Anyway to me Latin seems to be the hardest subject for my classmates. This is the 3rd year they've been learning Latin and I've never learned it before so the teacher gave me an Italian workbook to do instead. Everyone in my class is always stressing out so much about Latin I feel so bad for them.
- Latino: Like I said, during Latin we do Italian literature and stuff. The teacher is really laid-back and honestly most of the time everyone just talks and doesn't do very much. Sometimes the teacher has me look up the Italian poetry on Wikipedia in English and try translating into Italian.
- Fisica: I only attend this class once a week because I always leave to go to other classes so I obviously don't really participate! haha
- Religione: We only have this class one hour a week and I normally go to another class so yeah another random class haha
- Ginnastica: We have 2 hours of gym on Saturday's.. kill me.. It's so weird the girls and boys seperate and we then we go with another class of girls. I don't really like it, we're in a tiny gym in the basement of the school and we do the randomest, weirdest workouts but at lease it's keeping me from getting fat! I think....
- Chimica: I change classes for Chemistry and go with the 4th year. This class is so hard for me just because of the language barrier, I've taken 2 tests so far. The first one he didn't give me a grade (probably cause it was so horrible) then on the 2nd test I was allowed to use my notes and my book and I still only got a 6.5.. haha but we went to the lab and did some experiments the other day it was fun!
Okay well that's all for nowww byeeee! (:
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